Five Of Wands

Five Of Wands

What Does Five Of Wands Tarot Card Mean? Keywords: Arguments, conflicts, testing circumstances, forging new ideas, creating new products, power struggles, mastering yourself, sharing viewpoints, litigation, court battles, negotiation, inner conflict, anger, possible resolution

Five Of Wands Meanings And Description

The Five of Wands denotes forceful action, competition and facing your challenges. This card urges you participate with assertiveness. This is time to rise to the occasion and approach your opposition with energy and determination.

Tarot Cards Upright And Reversed Meanings

Five Of Wands Upright

Five Of Wands Upright Meaning

Competitive challenges are part of the Five of Wands.

There are struggles and tests which may seem like a game sometimes and a fiery battle at others.

The end result is a better product or ideas. These battles are just part of the process of challenging the old to create the new.

Peaceful sharing of ideas? No way! Arguments will be common and it may be hard to hold you temper in check.

Just remember that the Five of Wands has a purpose behind the words.

Five Of Wands Reverse

Five Of Wands Reversed Meaning

When the Five of Wands is reversed, legal issues or disputes are likely looming on the horizon.

Any resolution to the legal problems will be the result of a lot of negotiation and understanding.

Internal conflicts will frustrate and it seems there is no easy solution to these problems.

While these trials can seem insurmountable, conclusion may be close at hand.