Eight Of Wands

Eight Of Wands

What Does Eight Of Wands Tarot Card Mean? Keywords: Expanding horizons, travel, far-off places, news, invitations, education, change in career, increase in social life, freedom, extra energy, hurrying creates mistakes, less speed, delays, miscommunication, cancelled travel plans, strikes, reassess choices.

Eight Of Wands Meanings And Description

The Eight of Wands is a card of energy, action and movement. When the Eight of Swords appears in a Tarot reading, it signifies that timing is in your favor. Things that have been stagnant or inactive will suddenly have new energy. This is particularly true for business matters and romantic relationships. If you have found yourself struggling with issues that you did not know how to manage, the Eight of often indicate new clarity and broader perspectives.

Tarot Cards Upright And Reversed Meanings

Eight Of Wands Upright

Eight Of Wands Upright Meaning

When the Eight of Wands appears, news and opportunities may be arriving faster than you can see.

Whether travel, education or change in career, the Eight of Wands brings expansion and change quickly.

New horizons that expand your mind are highlighted. Energy that felt controlled or stilted is now flowing freely along with exciting opportunities.

Eight Of Wands Reverse

Eight Of Wands Reversed Meaning

Delays, miscommunication, and abandoning the need for speed are all part of the Eight of Wands reversed.

It doesn't seem no matter now how well things have been planned, they can and will go awry.

Now is the time to reassess you choices and think twice before committing to anything.

The delays are beyond your control so remember to stay calm or reschedule to avoid headaches.