Six Of Cups

Six Of Cups

What Does Six Of Cups Tarot Card Mean? Keywords: Happy memories, nostalgia, old relationships, returning to the past to understand the future, rewards for past efforts, return of past lovers and friends, stuck in the past, refusal to move, fear of future, self-doubt, blame of past, requiring a fresh start.

Six Of Cups Meanings And Description

The Six of Cups represents reminiscence, childhood memories, and the fond sentiments of one’s past. The Six of Cups often indicates the reviving of past relationships. In some cases, The Six of Cups denotes a resurgence of opportunities that were once missed.

Tarot Cards Upright And Reversed Meanings

Six Of Cups Upright

Six Of Cups Upright Meaning

Nostalgic memories play a strong role with the Six of Cups. Your emotional past, old connections, ex-lovers, old friends - all of these may be resurfacing to influence your future.

In some cases, the return may be to carry on where they left off; reconnecting with a lover, for instance. Other times, you might revisit your past to understand yourself better and learn what you need for the future.

Six Of Cups Reverse

Six Of Cups Reversed Meaning

Living in the past is no way to enjoy the present or embrace the future. When the Six of Cups is reversed, you hold your past up to block your future.

Remember that our memories of what happened are selective. Usually only the prettiest thoughts of the past remain. We can also use our past to prove our lack of worth. Perhaps our family or lover was non supportive - in this case, these memories and the doubts they create belong firmly behind us.

A fresh start begins with realizing who we currently are, and not buying into what people think we should be.